Metro Spokane Places to Live
2020 population: 761
Drive time to downtown Coeur d’Alene: 30 minutes
Drive time to downtown Spokane: 30 minutes

Overall Character: ★★☆☆☆
Urban: ☆☆☆☆☆
Suburban: ★★★☆☆
Walkability: ☆☆☆☆☆
Market Activity: ★★☆☆☆
Farm Town: ☆☆☆☆☆
Timber Town: ★☆☆☆☆
Lake / River Town: ★★★★★
Hauser Community Description
Hauser is the worst of the lake towns in the Spokane metro. Any metro, might I add, that has enough lake towns whereby judgement is levied between them is a hell of a metro.
What once was a quiet little lake just inside the Idaho state line is now one of metro Spokane's busiest watering holes. The city of Hauser itself is nothing more than a cluster of homes on one side of the lake. Properties around Hauser Lake, however, are nearly fully developed.
From a livability perspective, Hauser is attractive because one can live year-round in a lake home and suffer little in terms of commute time. Hauser suffers within the realm of basic market activity, however. The nearest large scale grocery stores are either 15 minutes up the road in Rathdrum or 15 minutes down the road near State Line City.
Basic infrastructure is a challenge for Hauser, as well. Back in the days when it was just another discrete, back woods, north Idaho lake town, Hauser’s narrow roads, septic systems, and wells were sufficient; but infrastructure hasn’t kept up with growth and those narrow roads, septic systems, and wells are now a liability. All those organics from all those septic systems flow according to the laws of gravity and Hauser Lake is the lowest point around.
Even the public beach is too small for demand these days. It’s tough to find a spot on the beach in high summer and even tougher to find a place to park. Nevertheless, the water is still swimmable, the lake is large enough to boat on, it's easy striking distance to urbanized Spokane, and the secluded vibe will continue to create real estate demand in and around Hauser.
(Featured photo courtesy of James Hawley)