Spokane's Best Parks -
Liberty Park is the 4th best park in Spokane for good reason. It’s the first park on the list that begins to incorporate larger acreages and more dynamic changes as you explore different spaces within it. Liberty Park is located a stone’s throw from downtown on Spokane’s lower eastside and has been the victim, in many ways, of large public works projects that have proved to fragment the neighborhood – namely Interstate 90. As a result, Liberty Park and the surrounding neighborhood have seen decades of decline. Although probably not the best place to visit alone on a dark night, in the daylight it’s perfectly safe and crawling with kids and families of all ages.
Part of Liberty Park’s magic stems from its history. Prior to freeway planning in the 1950s, the park was one of Spokane’s premier recreational anchors, with a swimming hole, rugged cliffs, croquet courts, tennis – all of which provided Spokane socialites with plenty to do. Much of Liberty Park was relocated to make room for Interstate 90. In many ways the City has yet to leverage some of Liberty Park’s mystique and potential to help revitalize a once healthy neighborhood. The Spokane Parks Board (a somewhat separate governmental entity from the City), has done a great job, however, adding back amenities that were lost to make room for freeways. Today, there’s a pool, playgrounds, basketball and, if you’re really feeling adventurous, traverse the upper reaches of Liberty Park and explore the old historic ruins that serve as a reminder of both a forgotten destination and a surrounding neighborhood awaiting renewal.

(Featured photo courtesy of Krem2 News)